Winscan sport 2.0 runtime error
Winscan sport 2.0 runtime error

winscan sport 2.0 runtime error winscan sport 2.0 runtime error

Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this third-party contact information. This contact information may change without notice. Microsoft provides third-party contact information to help you find technical support. NET framework 4, the core runtime is also at version 4. For a list of antivirus software manufacturers, click the following article number to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:įor additional information about distributed denial-of-service attacks and Trojan viruses, visit the following Microsoft Web site: NET runtime is still version 2.0, even though the framework is version 3.5. If you suspect or confirm that your computer is infected with a virus, obtain current antivirus software. does not provide software that can detect or remove computer viruses. For instructions about how to recover an infected computer, visit the following Carnegie Mellon Web site: Make sure that all your infected computers are physically disconnected from the Internet and any other networks while you work to resolve this issue. To resolve this issue, run an updated antivirus program to remove the virus from your computer. To determine if your computer is infected with this virus, visit the following Web sites: This issue can occur if your computer is infected with a SubSeven Trojan virus. To resolve this issue, run an updated antivirus program to remove the virus from your computer.

Winscan sport 2.0 runtime error